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So far oakvillemortgageteam has created 78 blog entries.

Information on the Best Mortgage Rate to Choose

Information on the Best Mortgage Rate to Choose.  Choosing a mortgage rate is not always a simple process and there are many things to consider.  Mortgage rates are still at record lows and there are some great offers, but a best mortgage rate should not be the only thing to consider. If you're like the majority of Canadians with a mortgage, chances are you will be paying off your mortgage over a number of years, so you should become familiar with the various types of mortgage rates. Fixed Rate - The fixed mortgage rate will be fixed for one of the following terms: 6 month, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 10-year terms and you have the security of knowing your rate and payment [...]

By |2014-05-29T13:26:15+00:00May 29th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Information on the Best Mortgage Rate to Choose

Don’t be House Rich and Cash Poor

Don't be House Rich and Cash Poor.  You may not have heard this term or realizing what it actually means, but  being house rich but cash poor means housing costs take up most of your income your house takes up 30% or more of household income leaving you with an expensive house but little money for anything else.  You may already be in this situation by realizing  you are financially burdened by your home.   You may already be house rich and cash poor and looking for ways on how to avoid it.  There are some alternatives to relieve some of the financial burden. Home Equity Loan – This could be a good option if you have built up equity in your home. Create a new [...]

By |2014-05-25T16:47:54+00:00May 25th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Don’t be House Rich and Cash Poor

“STRESS” Test your Mortgage

If you are a first time home buyer, looking to refinance or renew, or many already have a mortgage and want peace of mind; then we suggest you  "STRESS" Test your Mortgage!   Simply put, stress testing your mortgage is to ensure your mortgage can withstand the test if there is an increase in interest rates. You can then make a decision what type of mortgage is best for your budget, or if you already have a mortgage, come up with a plan.  Recent best mortgage rates and improved affordability help you in the short term, but are you prepared if there is a rise in interest rates? If you are concerned about affordability down the road, there are ways to ensure your mortgage will stand [...]

By |2014-05-13T17:02:32+00:00May 13th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on “STRESS” Test your Mortgage

New to Canada Mortgage

Ontario is the most multicultural province in Canada and is a prosperous, democratic society built by the hard work of generations of immigrants. Ontario offers a world of opportunities, so it's no wonder Ontario is the choice of many newcomers to Canada to call home. According to Demographic Quarterly: Highlights of Second Quarter 2013 from the Ontario Ministry of Finance posted September 2013, over the last 12 months Ontario received 105,818 immigrants, up from 101,287 during the previous year. Living the Canadian dream includes purchasing a home and getting a New to Canada Mortgage. If you have been in Canada for less than three years, have landed immigrant status, and have been employed in Canada for a minimum of three months, you can qualify for [...]

By |2014-04-30T20:43:01+00:00April 30th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on New to Canada Mortgage

Know The Devil In The Fine Print

Some mortgages have irritating and costly restrictions that you won't know about unless you read the fine print or ask a mortgage professional. Some Examples - Restrictions on breaking your mortgage before the term is up or before the first three years; - "Reinvestment fees" (on top of mortgage penalties); - IRD penalties based on a costly posted vs discounted rate formula; - Inability to port unless the port is dollar for dollar or the purchase and sale takes place on the same day; - No or limited pre-payment privileges. The list goes on..... Keep a look out for restrictions when comparing mortgages. Some special rates, rate promotions or 'No Frills' mortgages are likely to be restricted.

By |2014-04-30T15:30:12+00:00April 30th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Know The Devil In The Fine Print

Increase in CMHC Mortgage Loan Insurance Premiums

Increase in Mortgage Loan Insurance Premiums Mortgage loan insurance helps protect lenders against mortgage default and enables consumers to purchase homes with a minimum down payment of 5% with interest rates comparable to those with a 20% down payment. Mortgage loan insurance is typically required by lenders when homebuyers make a down payment of less than 20% of the purchase price. Effective May 1, 2014, CMHC is increasing its homeowner mortgage loan insurance premiums to reflect its increased capital targets. The increase applies to mortgage loan insurance premiums for owner occupied, self-employed and 1-to-4 unit rental properties, including low-ratio refinance premiums. For the average Canadian homebuyer requiring CMHC insured financing, the higher premium will result in an increase of approximately $5 to their monthly mortgage payment. [...]

By |2014-04-22T19:53:27+00:00April 22nd, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Increase in CMHC Mortgage Loan Insurance Premiums

New CIBC Poll shows Canadians locking into a Fixed Mortgage Rate this Spring

  A CIBC, CNW news release on April 16th states Canadians are locking into a fixed mortgage rate this spring with the expectation of mortgage rates will be higher a year from now according to a recent CIBC (TSX: CM) (NYSE: CM) poll conducted by Nielsen.  This poll concluded that 47 per cent of Canadians think mortgage rates will increase in the next 12 months, up from 38 per cent who felt that way last year,48 per cent would choose a fixed rate mortgage if they had to make that decision today, the fourth year in a row that fixed mortgages have been the choice of Canadians,31 per cent would choose a variable rate mortgage today; and19 per cent were undecided as to which type [...]

By |2014-04-17T20:22:25+00:00April 17th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on New CIBC Poll shows Canadians locking into a Fixed Mortgage Rate this Spring

Valuable Fraud Prevention Tips for Homebuyers and Homeowners: Part 1

March is Fraud Prevention Month. Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) has consistently been a leader in the fight against mortgage fraud and offers the following tips to protect yourself against becoming a victim of mortgage fraud. Misrepresentation of Information Mortgage fraud occurs when someone deliberately misrepresents information in order to obtain mortgage financing that would not have been granted if the truth had been known. This can include: Misstating one’s position or inflating one’s income or length of service at their job; Misstating employment status (ie. salaried/full time versus contract, part time, hourly or commission-based or self-employed); Misrepresenting the amount and/or source of the down payment; Purchasing a rental property and misrepresenting it as owner-occupied; Not disclosing existing mortgage and/or debt obligations; Misrepresenting property [...]

By |2014-03-28T17:31:47+00:00March 28th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Valuable Fraud Prevention Tips for Homebuyers and Homeowners: Part 1
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